Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Tea Party Movement defined - quotes from Rand Paul

Republican Rand Paul, the 47 year old son of Texas Congressman and past 2008 Presidential candidate, Ron Paul, has become a political phenomenon making his first bid for public office, rode a wave of support from the "tea party" movement into Kentucky's fall election, where Democratic Attorney General Jack Conway promises to turn back the small-government movement. Image Credit:

Tea Party Movement defined - quotes from Rand Paul

The media and the political society in Washington D.C. didn't see it coming. They labeled these primaries that took place on May 18, 2010 as a move toward typical mid-term "Anti-Incumbency", "Angry", and worse ... "Racist Backlash".

Democrat Arlen Spector lost his bid for a seventh term by running on the policies of the Obama Administration after making the desperate move to save his career by switching political parties from Republican to Democrat. This loss was significant largely due to the fact that President Barack Obama, himself, campaigned for Arlen Spector against the eventual primary winner (Joe Sestak) as he had for other Democrats in tight races in late 2009 and 2010 with the same losing result. The Arlen Spector case, if taken alone, may have been typical mid-term "Anti-Incumbency", "Angry", and worse ... "Racist Backlash" if it was not for the looming fact that Joe Sestak still has to beat Republican Senate nominee Pat Toomey for the Senate seat where going in, Toomey has a statistical lead.

The most significant race in that it was the one race where Republicans and Democrats were going up against a candidate who ran on a Tea Party platform, was the race for the Republican Senate seat in Kentucky ... nominee Rand Paul. In his victory speech, he was able to lay out what these political primaries for the November 2010 mid-term elections will actually be about. Not "Anti-Incumbency", "Anger", and worse ... "Racist Backlash" as the main reporting of these events have been cast.

The following are quotes from Rand Paul, Republican Senate nominee from Kentucky as Mr. Paul’s supporters gathered around the fireplace at his victory party at the Bowling Green Country Club - with 99 percent of precincts reporting, Mr. Paul led Mr. Grayson by 24 percentage points:

"The tea party movement is huge," Paul told cheering supporters. "The mandate of our victory tonight is huge. I think America's greatness hinges on us doing something to save the country. The tea party movement is about saving the country from a mountain of debt that is devouring our country and I think could lead to chaos."

"Washington is horribly broken. I think we stand on a precipice," Paul said, "we are encountering a day of reckoning, and this movement, this tea party movement, is a message to Washington that we're unhappy and that we want things done differently."

"People are already saying now you need to weave and dodge, now you need to switch," Paul said in his victory speech. "Now you need to give up your conservative message. You need to become a moderate. You need to give up the tea party. ... The tea party message is not a radical message. It's not an extreme message. What is extreme is a $2 trillion deficit."

Rand Paul hammered President Obama for “apologizing for America’s greatness,” and said about Capitalism, “we should not apologize to the rest of the world for our system.”

Rand Paul also said we “should be proud of Capitalism. Capitalism is freedom.”

"It's a nationwide movement," he added, "What I say to Washington is watch out, here we come."

"It symbolizes the growth of the freedom movement,"
Ron Paul said.

Paul won the Republican nomination without the support of U.S. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Louisville ... the senior Senator from Kentucky.

McConnell endorsed Grayson late in the campaign.

So it is out with the old ... and progressive (Democrat or Republican) political culture, without malice, or anger in Washington D.C. - this is what typifies the Tea Party Movement.

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