Saturday, December 31, 2011

Barack Obama's 2012 New Year's Resolution(s) GOP Fundraiser

Image Credit: Edmund Jenks via (2011)

Barack Obama's 2012 New Year's Resolution(s) GOP Fundraiser

This morning, the Republican Party announced a fundraiser that had it's tongue planted in it's political cheek!

Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairman Reince Priebus appeared on Fox News Channel soon after live video of the New Year's fireworks display from the bridge that spans across Sydney Harbor in Australia that signaled in 2012. Reince directed everyone to go to their computers and send a New Year's Resolution card from a GOP website ... but there was a catch, the resolution that one would be sending would be a proposed resolution that Barack Obama made with himself.

Image Credit: Edmund Jenks via (2011)

This excerpted and edited from -

RNC Releases New Year’s Resolution Cards

27 December 2011 - Posted by: Johanna Persing

The Republican National Committee (RNC) launched with New Year’s Resolution cards featuring President Obama and his liberal buddies:

“As Americans celebrate the holidays with their friends and families, they will have a chance to reflect on 2011 — most notably the failed leadership and reckless economic policies under President Obama and his Democrat friends,” said RNC Chairman Reince Priebus.

“So, we’ve launched with New Year’s Resolution cards that you can send to your friends and family reminding them of ways that Democrats could improve in 2012.

Image Credit: Edmund Jenks via (2011)

“We thought the president could work on a few things like his campaign slogan(s), the infamous ‘shovel ready projects’ and fulfilling the promises he made to the American people. For Senate Majority Leader Reid, we were hoping he could lead the Democrat Senate to pass a budget for the first time in nearly 1000 days. And, we hope President Obama’s own ‘Wall Street guy’ Jon Corzine can find the $1.2 billion dollars of clients’ money he gambled away.

“As we enter 2012, Republicans stand ready to tackle the enormous challenges this country faces. Americans can only hope President Obama and the Democrats will be ready to do the same.”
[Reference Here]

The Priebus premise, Barack sitting there pondering on what he could do better as President, is pretty good ... but the way the folks at the RNC put this together, frankly, could have been a little stronger and possibly a bit more humorous.


"I resolve to play only twenty-four rounds of Golf (2 per month) in 2012 as opposed to my 30 rounds per year average (90 rounds to date ... last one, yesterday in Hawaii) since taking office."

Surfing the website, one comes up with great fodder for proposed resolutions that not only have the sting of truth, but can play to the humor of ineptness this 44th Presidency has reined down on the American people.

For another example, a posting titled "The Big Fail - Obama By The Numbers" contained information that if developed in this way would make a great resolution for a Barack Obama card:

"I resolve to only ask that the debt ceiling be raised another 1.2 Trillion dollars for fiscal year 2012"

Image Credit: Edmund Jenks via (2011)

After reading most of what is contained in the "By The Numbers" posting (example excerpted below) ... THAT would be a laugh.

$15.1 Trillion:Current National Debt ($15,073,380,701,589.57). (U.S. Treasury Department, Accessed 12/6/11)

$9.1 Trillion:Amount Obama’s FY2012 Budget Would Add To The Debt Through FY2021. (OMB, 9/1/11)

$5.2 Trillion:Total Interest Payments On The National Debt Due To Obama’s Proposed Budget, FY2012-2021. (OMB, 9/1/11)

$4.4 Trillion:Added To The National Debt Since Obama Took Office. (U.S. Treasury Department, Accessed 12/6/11)

$2.6 Trillion:True Cost Of ObamaCare Once Fully Implemented. (Office Of The Speaker Of The U.S. House Of Representatives, Report, 1/6/11)

$1.75 Trillion:Annual Cost Of Federal Regulations. (Small Business Administration, September 2010)

Sadly, John Boehner, the Republican leader in the House of Representatives, would give in to this 2012 New Year's Resolution for an increased debt ceiling from the President and Barack Obama would be the only one laughing here in the last year (hopefully) of Carter's Second Term.

Image Credit: Edmund Jenks via (2011)

Happy New Year!

<Article fist seen as Barack Obama's 2012 New Year's Resolution(s) GOP Fundraiser at Technorati>

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